Aufzeichnung (Recording)

single-channel video
11 min (1 min excerpt)

I am in search of a city memory. While buildings are at least for a while visible signs of the lived life of a place, I wonder what could be traces of the immaterial values such as thoughts, emotions, knowledge and experiences of the people who have lived in a city. In this performative video, which is part of a larger project, a fixed sequence of steps and movements of a traditional dance draws paths on the floor. These are constant repetitions, slowed down, carefully executed, within the city (Palermo) and its contemporary everyday life.

Fr 24.01.2025, 18:30–22:00, VIDEO WINDOW zu Gast in der VIA Basel

Videokunst im Dialog / Video Art in Dialogue, Screenings & Artists’ Talks

– Judith Albert, Côte de Granit Rose, 2024
– Françoise Caraco, Zofinger Luft, 2023
– Christoph Oertli, Aufzeichnung (Recording), 2025